50 Important Idiom And Phrases Asked In SSC Exams
1. | Kill two birds with one stone | To solve two problems at a time with just one action |
2. | Let sleeping dogs lie | Leave something alone if it might cause trouble |
3. | Open the floodgates | Release something that was previously under control |
4. | Out of the blue | Happen unexpectedly |
5. | Out on a limb | Do something risky |
6. | Over the Top | Totally excessive and not suitable for the occasion |
7. | Pen is mightier than the sword | Words and communication have a greater effect than war |
8. | Push one’s luck | Trying to obtain more than what one has |
9. | Reap the harvest | Benefit or suffer as a direct result of past actions |
10. | Roll up sleeves | To get yourself prepared |
11. | See eye to eye | To be in agreement with |
12. | Shot in the dark | A complete guess |
13. | Sink your teeth into | Do something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm |
| Take with a grain/pinch of salt | To doubt theaccuracy of information |
15. | Skating on thin ice | Do or say something risky |
16. | Tight spot | A difficult situation |
17. | Strike while the iron is hot | To act at the right time |
18. | Take the plunge | Venture into something of one’s interest despite the risks involved |
19. | Take a nosedive | Rapid drop or decrease in value |
20. | Think the world of | Admire someone very much |
21. | Stand in a good stead | To be useful or be of good service to someone |
22. | Take a back seat | Choose to be less important in a role |
23. | Wave a dead chicken | Do something useless |
24. | Whale of a time | Enjoy a lot |
25. | Wrap one’s brain around | Concentrate on something to understand |
26. | Zero in on something | Focus all attention on one thing |
27. | Above all | Chiefly, Mainly |
28. | On Account of | Due to |
29. | On no account | Not for Any Reason |
30. | A Fidus Achates | A faithful friend or a devoted follower |
31. | The Heel of Achilles | A Weak Point |
32. | An Adonis | A very handsome man |
33. | To assume airs | To affect superiority |
34. | To stand aloof | To keep to oneself and not mix with others |
35. | To lead to the altar | To marry |
36. | An Ananias | A Liar |
37. | An Apollo | A Man with Perfect Physique |
38. | To Upset the Apple Cart | To disturb the peace |
39. | Apple Pie Order | In perfect order |
40. | Arcadian Life | A blissful, happy, rural and simple life |
41. | To take up arms | To fight or go to the war |
42. | To Grind | To have some selfish objective in view |
43. | To break the back of anything | To perform the most difficult part |
44. | To backbite a person | To speak disguise about someone |
45. | He has no backbone | He has no will of his own |
46. | To cause bad blood | To Cause Enmity |
47. | Bag and Baggage | With all one's belongings |
48. | To keep the ball rolling | To keep things going |
49. | Barmecide feast | Imaginary Benefits |
50. | Bee-line | The shortest distance between two places |
50 Important idiom And Phrases Asked In SSC Exams
1. | Behind one's back | Without one's Knowledge |
2. | Behind the scenes | In Private |
3. | To hit below the belt | To act unfairly in a contest |
4. | To bite the dust | To be Defeated in Battle |
5. | A Wet Blanket | A person who discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm |
6. | In Cold Blood | Deliberately |
7. | A blue Stocking | A learned/educated or intellectual woman |
8. | At First Blush | At first sight |
9. | A Bolt from the Blue | Something completely unexpected that surprises you |
10. | One's bread and butter | One's means of livelihood |
11. | To breadth one's last | To Die |
12. | To make bricks without straw | To attempt to do something without proper materials |
13. | To kick the bucket | To die |
14. | Good wine needs no bush | There is no need to advertise something good |
15. | To burn the candle at both ends | To expend energy in two directions at the same time |
16. | If the cap fits, wear it | If you think the remarks refer to you, then accept the criticism |
17. | Care killed the cat | Don’t fret and worry yourself to death |
18. | To Catch one's eye | To attract attention |
19. | To take the chair | To preside a meeting |
20. | She is no chicken | She is older than she says |
21. | To pick and choose | To make a careful selection |
22. | To square the circle | To attempt something impossible |
23. | Every cloud has a silver lining | Adverse conditions do not last forever |
24. | Close fisted | Mean |
25. | Cut your cloth according to your cloth | Live within your income |
26. | A cock and bull story | A foolishly incredible story |
27. | To be cock sure | To be perfectly sure or certain |
28. | To throw cold water upon anything | To discourage efforts |
29. | Off color | Not in the usual form |
30. | To commit to memory | To learn by heart |
31. | Too many cooks spoil the broth | Where there are more workers than necessary |
32. | Crocodile tears | Hypocritical Tears |
33. | By hook or by crook | By fair or foul means |
34. | Cut and dried | Readymade |
35. | Up to date | Recent |
36. | Evil days | A period of misfortune |
37. | Halcyon Days | A time when there are peace and happiness in the land |
38. | To step into dead man's shoes | To come into an inheritance |
39. | Go to the devil | Be off |
40. | Devil's bones | Dice |
41. | Devil’s Playthings | Playing Cards |
42. | Give a dog a bad name and hang him | Once a person loses his reputation |
43. | Every dog has his day | Sooner or later, everyone has his share of good fortune |
44. | To throw dust in one's eyes | To try to deceive someone or mislead someone |
45. | A white elephant | A useless possession which is extremely expensive to keep |
46. | To set the Thames on fire | To do something sensational or remarkable |
47. | A burnt child dreads the fire | One who has had a previous unpleasant experience is always scared of situations where such experiences are likely to be repeated |
48. | A fish out of water | Anyone in an awkward |
49. | Foul play | Cheating |
50. | To jump from a frying pan into fire | To come out of one trouble and get into a worse |